Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Just LOVE to Cook!

Ah geez ~ the day can only get better.

Hi, this is Debbie.

Hi! I think I want to be a Personal Chef and I was hoping you'd let me work with you for a couple of weeks to see if this is what I want to do!

I'm confused. Are you a new Personal Chef in the Cincinnati area?

Nope! I work full time but I want to change my job and I just LOVE to cook and I thought that being a Personal Chef would be fun!
I feel a massive headache coming on.

Have you joined any Personal Chef association or do you have any training?

Nope! I just LOVE to cook and I thought that being a Personal Chef would be fun!
If she ends one more sentence with an exclamation point I'm going to SCREAM!

Were you referred to me by another Personal Chef in Cincinnati or somewhere else? Or have you signed up for the Personal Chef course at Cincinnati State?

Nope! I just LOVE to cook....
Yeah, yeah I get it. You want me to let a complete stranger follow me around for two weeks, learn everything from me, allow you into my client's homes ~ by the way, did I mention that I don't know you from Eve ~ and, then you decide if you want to be a Personal Chef or not?

Sure I can use the help. I leave my home around 6:30 every morning and some of my equipment bins weigh 30 pounds or so. You can meet me tomorrow morning at 6:30 sharp in front of my house. We'll go to bigg's first to get groceries, then we'll go to Luigi's for our meat and chicken. After that, we'll stop at Findlay Market for seafood and make a quick stop at Dean's Mediterranean Market and then we'll get to my client's home around 9:15 or so. You can unload the Yummy~mobile, unpack all of the equipment and mis en place the recipes. Once we're done, you can hand wash all of my equipment, repack said equipment, sanitize the kitchen, sweep the kitchen floor, take out the trash ~ did I mention it's supposed to rain tomorrow ~ repack the Yummy~mobile and then we'll head back to my place. We should get back around 3:00 or so. How's that sound?

But I have to work all day tomorrow! Can we do it on Saturday? I'm off on Saturday!
Pounding in blood vessels around my brain, black migraine spots in my eyes.

No. But I'll tell you what. After you join a Personal Chef association or register for Personal Chef training at Cincinnati State, call me and we'll find a time so that you can see if this works for you.

Ah geez. The day can only get better.

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